“What’s Your Joy?”: A Sabbatical Journey
What is joy?
What is your joy?
Where does it comer from?
How do you know it when you see it?
How can you live a life filled with joy regardless of circumstances?
While I’m away on Sabbatical (May 1st – July 31st of 2023), I’m inviting our community to explore Joy. I’m suggesting we do this together, while we’re apart, and that we will share our discoveries when we’re reunited in August.
Here are a couple of suggestions on how we will do this together:
- Explore the spirituality and mystical nature of Joy. I invite you to read Eternal Heart: The Mystical Path to a Joyful Life
by . (available in hard cover, audio, and audio CD.) I have read Mr. McColman’s previous work introducing Christian mysticism and found it thorough, engaging, and approachable for those interested in the subject. I expect no less for this book on joy.
Three of our groups will be exploring this book together: Faithful Living (Tues. 6:15am at Urraco Coffee Co), The Widow’s/Widower’s Support Group (Wed. 1:30pm at Urraco), and Sunday Adult Formation (Sun. 9am at StC.). You are invited to these groups or to read on your own.
2. Compose & Keep a Joy Journal. Become more mindful of joy already present around you. Or Become intentional in creating more moments of joy in your life. Or both. Do this by creating a joy journal.
a. Make an ongoing list of experiences or circumstances where you encounter joy. Eg. by the river; eating pie; bicycling; praying on the porch at sunset; meeting up with old friends; etc.
b . Each of these then becomes a heading for your Joy Journal. Write about this experience. Or go do it (again) if you wish. You can make this a To Do List, or a Reflection entry or both. Do/Reflect as often as you wish – several a day, once a day, one a week, a couple on the weekends. You determine the topics/experiences. You determine the pace.
c. Don’t keep it a secret. Share your discoveries, your plans, and your reflections in the community, on social media, by text message, at church, etc.
3. Join me on Facebook in a “private group” for updates on our Joys during travels and daily life. Go to www.facebook.com/groups/sabbatical . Note the rules, please (no spam/soliciting, mean talk, or “church work” chatter. Thx) I’d love to see you there.
I’m very much excited for all of us to go explore and discover the Joy God has laid out before us. God is full of Grace, and that means God’s goodness is already present, right here, right now, awaiting our attentiveness. Let’s bask in it together and give thanks.
In Joyful expectation,
Fr. James+