A Chronological Journey Through the Bible. 
Click to Purchase: The Chronological Study Bible – NIV edition
In 2018 we embarked on a chronological journey through the Bible. We are reading the Bible in the order that narrative happens. For instance, various Psalms are inserted into the story of David where David may have written them. Likewise, the Book of Acts, which includes the stories of St. Paul’s missionary journeys, is interrupted as the letters of St. Paul are inserted into the time spaces when Paul may have written them.
Granted, much of this includes guessing and sometimes plain and simple artistry not based on historical fact. However, rearranging the Bible in this order gives us a different and new perspective on the flow and contents of the Bible, highlighting things we may never have noticed!
You are invited to join in the exciting study at any of the times below. Note that the same lesson plan is offered three times a week.
Below are our upcoming Chronological Bible Study class sessions.
- Feb186:15am
- Feb256:15am
- Mar46:15am
- Mar912:00pm
- Mar116:15am