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Across the Diocese – August 11, 2023
View as Webpage August 11, 2023 Holy Cow Survey and Holy Conversation Updates Three weeks left to respond to the Holy Cow Survey! We are inviting all clergy and lay members in the diocese to provide us with your input. Take the survey, today! Help us reach our goal of hearing from all of you! And if you have yet to participate in a Holy Conversation, please see the list of locations remaining and select one that is most convenient for you. We don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to provide us your […]
“What’s Your Joy?”: A Sabbatical Journey
What is joy? What is your joy? Where does it comer from? How do you know it when you see it? How can you live a life filled with joy regardless of circumstances? While I’m away on Sabbatical (May 1st – July 31st of 2023), I’m inviting our community to explore Joy. I’m suggesting we do this together, while we’re apart, and that we will share our discoveries when we’re reunited in August. Here are a couple of suggestions on how we will do this together:
We give thanks… for you.
Dear St. Christopher’s Friends, Members, and Supporters, At St. Christopher’s we have much to be thankful for… there have been physical additions to our facilities like the new flooring downstairs or the gazebo and the new playground equipment outside. We’ve had marvelous programs and events the Thanksgiving potluck, Evensong, and new book studies. And there are signs of recovery from the Pandemic all over. But we are most grateful for God’s work in and through you. So many of you give of your time and talent and treasure. You come to worship. You pray for this community. You share […]
Advent Calendar – daily text devotional for you.
Receive daily text devotions by subscribing to our text message Advent Calendar. Simply text ADVENTCAL to 360.810.3292 to join. Text STOP ADVENTCAL to stop receiving messages. Text MENU or HELP for options. A ministry of St. Christopher’s Community Church, Olympia.
Mask Info for our Families
How can you help your children understand masks, how and why we wear them? Please see the following info helpfully shared with us from the Griffin Public Schools “The Task of the Mask” Booklet is here. And see below….
Pentecost for the Kids: Two Videos
Hi Kids! (& Parents & and Kids at heart) We’ve go two great videos for you! Watch ’em in one sitting or watch each one on different days. Grab your parents or grandparents too! You are loved and you are missed!
Children’s Sunday School Lesson for the Second Sunday of Easter
Godly Play at home. I wonder who was at the tomb?
Children’s Easter Sermon
Click here to watch the children’s Easter sermon here.
Paschal Candle at Home for Easter Vigil
In the Holy Week at Home Kit was a candle. Here’s what to do with it! (Click below to see our video!)
Hot Crossed Buns without Yeast
No Yeast? Watch the video below for making this traditional Easter bread. There are all kinds of recipes on the internet – paelo, dairy-free, whole grain, etc. So whatever your dietary need or kitchen supply restrictions, you are likely to find a recipe that works for you. Search “Hot Crossed Buns ______” and add your preference/missing ingredient.
No Dye Kit? 8 Ways to Dye Easter Eggs
With the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order in place you may not have purchased an egg dying kit. Watch the video for 8 ways to dye you eggs. (If you need other options or more instructions, do a web search on “different ways to dye Easter eggs”.)
Our Worship Schedule
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE (1/2023): We offer both in-person and online events. Our typical worship pattern is shown below. See our events calendar for the most updated info, special events, and holy day worship. Masks are optional. Social distancing is not required although we ask you to be respectful of others’ space. Hand washing/sanitizing is always a good idea. Please stay home if you are feeling any symptoms of illness. Holy Communion is now served as before with common cup. You may, of course, abstain from either or both the bread and wine. Children are welcome at all services. Nursery care […]
Holy Week at Home
Holy Week at Home. You’ll find all our instructions, videos, and links to online worship right here.
Meetings & Studies Now Online: You Need “Zoom”!
New Updates as of April 1, 2020.
Scam Alert!
We’ve seen notices like the one I’ll quote below from both our bishops now and it’s just a matter of time before someone tries it from some other clergy you might know…
Christmas Eve at St. Christopher’s
You, your family, friends, & neighbors are cordially invited to celebrate Christmas at St. Christopher’s Community Church…