Second Saturday Serenity Service
If the idea of a once a month Recovery friendly, Jesus centered, informal worship service appeals to you, consider being part of a new thing starting September 9, 2023 at United Lutheran in Tacoma, 1231 S 76th St, Tacoma, WA 98408.
Second Saturday Serenity Service:
Dinner (probably pizza or something easy) at 5:30, worship at 6:30.
We know that often, church has not felt like a safe place for people in recovery from various addictions to be their authentic selves. But we believe that Jesus’ church is meant to be “not a museum of saints, but a hospital for sinners!” In other words, come as you are. Jesus welcomed all, and we try to follow his example.
Our hope is that if you are already a member of a congregation, this doesn’t conflict with your usual worship time, but is simply an additional option in your faith walk. And if you aren’t part of a faith community anywhere, well, there is an open invitation.
If you have read this far, please “Share.” Because if it isn’t your thing, it might be for someone you know. Questions? Call Pastor Mary Sanders at 253-459-3797.