Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia,
Like me, you have probably been watching and listening in horror as the events in Israel and Gaza continue to unfold. The stories coming out of Israel are both heartbreaking and traumatizing to us, but especially to Jewish communities around the world that fear anew for their safety and future. At the same time, the scenes emerging from Gaza of innocent civilians attempting to flee or unable to flee are unbearable.
In the midst of all of this, I want to make you aware of a number of resources.
First, please see below the letter of The Most Rev. Hosam Elias Naoum, the Archbishop of Jerusalem, who calls us all to a day of fasting and prayer tomorrow, Tuesday, October 17. A number of congregations in the Diocese will be offering their space as a place to gather for prayer during the day, Saint Mark’s Cathedral being one of them. Please see below for a list of those known to me at this time. Go to the websites of each congregation for more detailed information.
- Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle: Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace, with events happening throughout the day, including a special noonday prayer service on Tuesday, October 17 at 12:00 pm.
- St. Thomas, Medina: Prayer Service for Justice and an End to the War on Tuesday, October 17 at 12:00 pm.
- St. Paul’s, Bellingham: Prayer Service on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm.
- St. Timothy, Chehalis: Zoom Compline on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm.
- St. Thomas, Medina: Taize service of lament on Wednesday, October 18 at 6:00 pm.
- St. John the Baptist, Seattle: Prayer Service on Wednesday, October 18 at 5:45pm.
Please note that this is a partial list—please check with your local congregation to see whether they will be hosting a service related to the conflict.
Secondly, below is a partial list of statements and resources from The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion Office:
Finally, I remind you that our own Diocese has an organization called The Episcopal Bishop’s Committee on Peace and Justice in the Holy Land. For information about this group and its work, go to
Please continue to pray for the people of Israel and the Palestinian people that conflict cease, that the innocent be protected and provided for, and that a just and durable peace be secured.
In Christ,
+Melissa |